Complete Contents
About This Guide
Chapter 1 Before You Install
Chapter 2 Installing iPlanet Web Server
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting Installation
Chapter 4 Migrating and Upgrading
Previous Next Contents Index Bookshelf

Chapter 2 Installing iPlanet Web Server

This chapter tells you how to install iPlanet Web Server. It contains the following sections:

Installation Overview
The iPlanet Web Server CD-ROM contains installation programs for both iPlanet Web Server 4.1 and Netscape Communicator 4.61. In addition, the iPlanet Web Server comes with a version of Directory Server on a separate CD.

When you install iPlanet Web Server, you follow these basic steps:

  1. If you have an existing iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Server, or FastTrack Server already installed, shut it down and save a back up of all the files in the server root. On Windows NT you may also want to save copies of files added to Winnt/Sytem32 during server installation, and copies of the registry as well. For more information on saving copies of the registry, see your operating system documentation.
  2. If you do not already have either Communicator 4.61 or higher or Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher installed, install the version of Communicator provided on your iPlanet Web Server CD.
  3. If you are planning to use users and groups, and you do not have a Directory Server installed, install it from the Directory Server CD included with your iPlanet Web Server. When you install Directory Server, you also install Netscape Console.
  4. Make a note of the LDAP URL associated with your Directory Server, because you will need it during the installation process.
  5. Install and configure iPlanet Web Server.

Installing Netscape Communicator
Because you need a web browser such as Netscape Communicator to administer your server, you must install Communicator or another browser onto your machine before installing iPlanet Web Server.

Installing Communicator on Unix or Linux
To install Netscape Communicator you can download the software from, or follow these steps to install from the CD:

  1. Put the iPlanet Web Server CD-ROM in the drive and change to the directory for the Unix or Linux operating system that your computer uses.
  2. For example, if you are using a Solaris system, type cd solaris.

  3. Change to the comm461 directory on the CD-ROM.
  4. Copy the comm461.tar file from the CD-ROM to a temporary directory on your local disk.
  5. Change to the staging directory on your local disk and untar the comm461.tar file by typing tar -xvf comm461.tar.
  6. At the command line, type ./setup to start the Communicator installation.
  7. Follow the onscreen instructions.
Installing Communicator on Windows NT

To install Netscape Communicator you can download the software from, or follow these steps to install from the CD:

  1. Put the iPlanet Web Server CD-ROM in the drive and double-click the ntx86 folder.
  2. Double-click to the comm461 folder.
  3. Double-click setup.exe.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions.

Installing Netscape Directory Server
If you are planning to use users and groups (for example, for access control) with your iPlanet Web Server, you need to install Netscape Directory Server or another LDAP server before installing the iPlanet Web Server.

For information on installing Directory Server, see the Directory Server documentation. If you are installing from the CD, the Directory Server Installation Guide is included in the box. The documentation is also available online at the following URL:

Note (Windows NT)
You can install Netscape Directory Server and iPlanet Web Server on the same Windows NT machine if you do the following:

Installing Netscape Console
When you install the Directory Server, you also install Netscape Console. Use Netscape Console to manage your Directory Server. You can also access the iPlanet Web Server from Netscape Console if you run a script after you install the iPlanet Web Server. For more information, see "Accessing iPlanet Web Server from the Console".

If you are not planning to use Directory Server, you do not need to install Netscape Console.

Installing a Java Developer's Kit
If you are planning to use Java, you must install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java Developer's Kit (JDK). iPlanet Web Server includes a JRE that you can install during the installation process. However, you may prefer to install a JDK.

You need either a JRE or a JDK to use the following features:

You need a JDK to run the following feature (it will not run with a JRE):

Because you need a JDK to use JSPs, JSPs are only turned on by default if you provide a path to a JDK during installation.

Different platforms require different versions of the JDK:

You can install the JDK before you install iPlanet Web Server, and provide the path to it during installation, or you can wait until after you've installed iPlanet Web Server to install it.

After installation you can change the JRE or JDK iPlanet Web Server uses. In the Administration Server, on the Global Settings tab, use the Configure JRE/JDK Paths page. You can also change the path to the JRE/JDK in this page.

Note. Though you can use the JRE with servlets on Solaris, using the JDK instead improves performance.

Installing iPlanet Web Server for Unix
The following sections describe the installation of the iPlanet Web Server.

Warning. You must install your version 4.x servers in a server root directory separate from the server root directory that contains your 3.6 servers. Do not install iPlanet Web Server on an NFS-mounted drive due to potential security and file locking restrictions on remote partitions.

Logging In as the Correct User
Before you install iPlanet Web Server, you must log in as root, unless you meet both of these conditions:

If you meet both conditions, you do not need to log in as root to install the server; instead log in as the user account that the Administration Server will use. However, you may still prefer to log in as root, even though you meet the conditions.

Warning. You must log in as root if you are planning to use express installation.

Unpacking the Files
To get the iPlanet Web Server files and unpack them, follow these steps:

Installing from a CD-ROM

  1. Put the CD-ROM in the drive.
  2. Change to the iPlanet Web Server CD in the CD-ROM directory.
  3. Change to the directory on the CD-ROM labeled with the Unix operating system that your computer uses (for example, type cd solaris)
  4. Type cd entprise to change to the installation directory.
  5. Copy the entprise.tar file from the CD-ROM directory to your home directory or a temporary directory.
  6. Note.

    Untarring the file will cause the permissions of the destination directory to be modified so that applications can no longer write files to it. To avoid this problem, untar the file in a directory where you can modify the permissions. For example, instead of /tmp, use a subdirectory under /tmp, for example, /tmp/iwsinstall.

    Copying the file may take a little time.

  7. Change to the directory on your Unix machine where you copied the file.
  8. Untar the file by typing tar -xvf entprise.tar.
  9. This command unpacks the server files and creates a temporary directory structure under the current directory. Unpacking the file may take a little time. When the files are unpacked, you see a WebServer directory, and the following files: LICENSE.txt, README.txt, setup, and setup.inf.

Installing a Downloaded Server

  1. Download the file from and save it in a temporary directory.
  2. Note.

    Untarring the file will cause the permissions of the destination directory to be modified so that applications can no longer write files to it. To avoid this problem, untar the file in a directory where you can modify the permissions. For example, instead of /tmp, use a subdirectory under /tmp, for example, /tmp/iwsinstall.

  3. Change to the directory on your Unix machine where you copied the file.
  4. Unpack the .gz file by typing gunzip filename.tar.gz. The file name is in the format:


    For example:


  5. Untar the unzipped file by typing tar -xvf filename.tar.
  6. This command unpacks the server files and creates a temporary directory structure under the current directory. Unpacking the file may take a little time. When the files are unpacked, you see a WebServer directory, and three files: LICENSE.txt, README.txt, setup, and setup.inf.

Running Setup
You run the setup program to install iPlanet Web Server.

During the installation process, you have the choice of three kinds of installation: express, typical, or custom. Most users should choose typical or custom (they are identical). Typical or custom gives you more flexibility in the components you can install and the settings you can configure.

Express installation is for users who have little experience or are evaluating the product. It makes assumptions about such things as port number and which components to install.

When running the installer, you can use the following commands:

Typical or Custom Installation
Most users should install the typical or custom installation.

To run setup, follow these steps:

  1. If you are not in the directory already, change to the directory where you unpacked the file.
  2. Type ./setup to start the server installation.
  3. If you aren't logged in as the root user (superuser), or if you don't have sufficient write permissions, you'll get one or more error messages.

    A welcome screen appears.

  4. Press Enter to continue with the installation.
  5. Choose whether you accept the software license agreement by typing Yes to accept, or No to decline. If you have not yet read the license agreement, cancel out of the installation and read the file LICENSE.txt that is in the same directory as the setup program.
  6. Choose Typical or Custom.
  7. Press Enter.

  8. Type a server root directory or accept the default (/usr/netscape/server4).
  9. This directory is where the server files and directory structure will be installed.

    You need to run the server as a user that has write access to this directory, for example, the directory owner.

    If you have an iPlanet Web Server version 4.0 already installed, and you want to upgrade it, you must choose the installation directory where your 4.0 server is installed. The installation program automatically upgrades the server from 4.0 to 4.1.

  10. Choose iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition, all components.
  11. Press Enter.

  12. Choose the iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition subcomponents to install.
  13. If you do not install a subcomponent and later decide you want to use it, you can run the installer again to install just the missing subcomponent. However, you cannot uninstall individual subcomponents once they are installed.

    By default, all subcomponents except WAI support are installed.

    If you are upgrading from iPlanet Web Server 4.0, when you install subcomponents, you must install all the subcomponents you installed for 4.0, otherwise they are not upgraded properly and may not work. You can install additional subcomponents as well.

    The subcomponents you can choose to install are described in the following numbered sections.

    1. Server Core
    2. Installs Administration Server and the first instance of iPlanet Web Server.


      You must install the Server Core subcomponent the first time you install iPlanet Web Server. If you install additional subcomponents later, you are not required to reinstall the Core subcomponent.

    3. Java Runtime Environment
    4. If you are planning to use Java, you must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java Developer's Kit (JDK). You can install the provided JRE, or supply your own JDK. For more information, see "Installing a Java Developer's Kit."


      If you are using HP-UX, you must install the JRE or supply a JDK. Without one or the other, the HP-UX iPlanet Web Server won't run.

    5. Java Support
    6. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use Java servlets.

      You also need a JRE or JDK to use iPlanet Web Server's Java support. Install the JRE provided with iPlanet Web Server (see the previous subcomponent) or install a JDK.

    7. SSJS Support
    8. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use Server-Side JavaScript.

    9. SSJS Database Support
    10. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use server-side JavaScript database connectivity (LiveWire). If you plan to use this feature, you also need to install the Server-Side JavaScript Support subcomponent (item 4), and either install the JRE (item 2) or supply a JDK.

    11. Web Publishing Support
    12. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use the Web Publishing, Netshare, or search features.

    13. WAI Support
    14. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to run Web Application Interface programs. If you are using WAI, you must also have an ORB. You will have to provide the installation program with the path to the ORB on your system later in the installation process.

    15. SNMP Support
    16. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use SNMP.

  14. Enter the machine name or accept the default.
  15. Enter the Unix user and group names to use when running the default instance of iPlanet Web Server.
  16. The default user and group is nobody. If you're planning to use SNMP, the user name must be root.


    If you are upgrading from iPlanet Web Server 4.0, you see a screen informing you that the installer has detected an upgrade, and that in addition to installing the components you selected, it will also upgrade any components that have been previously installed.

    Press Enter to continue with the installation. You will not have to answer any more prompts; instead the installer picks up the information from your old installation. Continue to Step 20.

    If you do not want to continue with the upgrade, press CTRL-c to exit the installation program.

  17. Enter the Unix user name to use when running the Administration Server.
  18. In most cases this user is root.

  19. Enter the Administration Server user name and password to use for authentication. You are asked to enter your password twice.
  20. This user is not a Unix user, but a user name and password in the Directory Server. You must make sure that the Administration Server user exists in the Directory Server, and that it has access permissions to the Directory Server to perform user and group management tasks.

  21. Type the Administration Server port number or accept the default of 8888.
  22. Make sure you remember the port number for the Administration Server.

    For the most flexibility, choose a port number above 1024. If you want to use a port number lower than 1024 for your Administration Server, you must be logged on as root to start the server. Do not use a port that is already in use.

    This iPlanet Web Server Administration Server is not the same as the Netscape Console, or the Administration Server shipped with other iPlanet/ Netscape servers.

    For more information on ports, see "Choosing Unique Port Numbers."

  23. Type the port number of iPlanet Web Server. The default is 80. This port should be different than the Administration Server port. Unless you are installing as root, the port must be within the stated range (1024 to 65535). If you are installing as root you can use port numbers below 1024.
  24. If you use a port other than the default port (port 80), the URL used to gain access to your home page will change. For example, if your computer is called and you choose port 9753, your server's URL will be

    For more information on ports, see "Choosing Unique Port Numbers."

  25. Specify whether you are using an LDAP-based directory server (enter Yes or No).
  26. You must use an LDAP directory server if you want to use user and group functionality in iPlanet Web Server.

    If you use an LDAP directory server, enter following:

  27. Type the root directory where your server's content files (the images, html documents and data you want to present to users accessing the server) will reside. The default is server_root/docs.
  28. If you want to use your own JDK, enter Yes.
  29. If you are installing Java support, you must have a JRE or a JDK. You can install the supplied JRE subcomponent or use a JDK already installed on your system. For more information, see "Installing a Java Developer's Kit."

  30. If you are installing Java support, and you either did not choose to install the provided JRE, or you chose to use your own JDK, enter the absolute path to the directory where you installed the JDK on your system.
  31. The JDK must already exist in the specified directory.

    If the JDK libraries and CLASSPATH are stored in the default directories below the JDK directory (/jre/lib and /lib, respectively), press Enter at the JDK LIBPATH and JDK CLASSPATH prompts. If the libraries and CLASSPATH are stored in a different place on your system, enter the pathnames. On most systems you will not have to enter pathnames at these prompts.

  32. If you chose to install WAI, you must give the path to the directory where your Object Request Broker (ORB) is stored. To get the Visibroker 3.3 for C++ ORB, or the Visibroker 3.4 for Java ORB, contact Inprise at
  33. After the installation program extracts and installs the iPlanet Web Server components, press Enter.
  34. Go to the https-admserv directory under your server root directory (for example /usr/netscape/server4) and start the Administration Server by typing ./start. You can also type ./startconsole in the server root directory.
  35. startconsole starts the Administration Server and launches a browser to the Administration Server administration pages. Later, if you have a Netscape Console installed and have registered

  36. To configure your iPlanet Web Server, use the URL: http://server_name:administration_port
  37. For example: http://mozilla:8888

    Enter your administration user name and password.

You can now configure your iPlanet Web Server. For more information, see the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide.

Express Installation
Express installation is for users who have little experience or are evaluating the product. It makes assumptions about such things as port number and which components to install.

Warning. If you are upgrading from iPlanet Web Server 4.0, use Typical or Custom installation, not Express installation.

The following table lists the assumptions made by the Express installation. If you would like to use different installation settings, use Typical or Custom installation.

Table 2.1 Express installation settings
Installation Setting
administration port
administration URL
http://machine name:adminisration port
HTTP port number
document root
Unix user to run server
LDAP users and groups
not using
default JRE shipped with iPlanet Web Server
All default subcomponents installed (everything except WAI support)

After installing, you can configure the server to use LDAP users and groups, and to use a JDK. For more information on how to make these changes, see the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide.

Warning. You must log in as root to use express installation.

To run setup, follow these steps:

  1. If you are not in the directory already, change to the directory where you unpacked the file.
  2. Type ./setup to start the server installation.
  3. A welcome screen appears.

  4. Press Enter to continue with the installation.
  5. Choose whether you accept the software license agreement by entering Yes to accept, or No to decline. If you have not yet read the license agreement, cancel out of the installation and read the file LICENSE.txt that is in the same directory as the setup program
  6. Choose Express and press Enter.
  7. Type a server root directory or accept the default (/usr/netscape/server4).
  8. This directory is where the server files and directory structure will be installed. root must have write access to this directory.

    If you have an iPlanet Web Server version 4.0 already installed, and you want to upgrade it, you must choose the same installation directory as your 4.0 server is installed in. The installation program automatically upgrades the server from 4.0 to 4.1.

  9. Choose iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition.
  10. Press Enter.

  11. Enter the Unix user and group names to use when running the default instance of iPlanet Web Server.
  12. For Express installation, this user must be root. The group must be the group to which root belongs.


    If you are upgrading from a 4.0 iPlanet Web Server, you see a screen informing you that the installer has detected an upgrade, and that in addition to installing the components you selected, it will also upgrade any components that have been previously installed. Note that you should use Typical or Custom installation if you are upgrading.

    Press Enter to continue with the installation. You will not have to answer any more prompts; instead the installer picks up the information from your old installation. Continue to Step 11.

  13. Enter the Unix user name to use when running the Administration Server.
  14. In most cases, this user is root.

  15. Enter the Administration Server user name and password to use for authentication. You are asked to enter your password twice.
  16. If you are using a Netscape Directory Server, you must make sure that the Administration Server user exists in the Directory Server, and that it has access permissions to the Directory Server to perform user and group management tasks.

  17. After the installation program extracts and installs the iPlanet Web Server components, press Enter.
  18. Go to the https-adminserv directory under your server root directory (for example /usr/netscape/server4) and start Administration Server by typing ./start. You can also type ./startconsole in the server root directory. If you are upgrading, you need to restart your server.
  19. startconsole starts the Administration Server and launches a browser to the Administration Server administration pages. Later, if you have a Netscape Console installed and have registered

  20. To configure your iPlanet Web Server, use the URL: http://server_name:administration_port
  21. For example: http://mozilla:8888

    Enter your administration user name and password.

You can now configure your iPlanet Web Server. For more information, see the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide.

Installing iPlanet Web Server for Windows NT
The following sections describe the installation of the iPlanet Web Server.

Any errors that occur when the server starts are logged in the Event Viewer. Once started, the server logs errors to the normal error log file.

Warning. Please keep the following warnings in mind:

Unpacking the Files

To get the iPlanet Web Server files and unpack them, follow these steps:

Installing from a CD-ROM

  1. Put the CD-ROM in the drive. Click the icon representing your CD-ROM drive.
  2. Double-click the ntx86 folder.
  3. Double-click the entprise folder.
  4. The setup.exe file is inside this folder.

Installing a Downloaded Server

  1. Download the file e41diu.exe and save it in a temporary directory.
  2. Double-click the file to extract the files and launch the installation program.
Running setup.exe
You run the setup.exe program to install iPlanet Web Server.

  1. Double-click the setup.exe file (if you downloaded the file, this happens automatically when you double-click the downloaded file).
  2. The Welcome screen appears. After reading the Welcome screen, click Next.
  3. The Software License Agreement appears. Click Yes to accept the license.
  4. The Select Installation Type screen appears. Choose the kind of installation you want: Express, Typical or Custom.
  5. Express installation is for users who have little experience or are evaluating the product. It makes assumptions about such things as port number and which components to install. This option is not recommended if you are using your server in a production environment.

    Typical and Custom installation give you more options, and for this release do the same thing.


    If you are upgrading from iPlanet Web Server 4.0, use Typical or Custom installation, not Express installation.

    If you chose Express installation, the following settings are set automatically for you. If you want to have different values for these settings, choose Typical or Custom installation.

    Table 2.2 Express installation settings
    Installation Setting
    administration port
    administration URL
    http://machine name:adminisration port
    HTTP port number
    document root
    LDAP users and groups
    not using
    default JRE shipped with iPlanet Web Server
    All default subcomponents installed (everything except WAI support)


    Do not use Express Installation if you already have another web server running on port 80.

    Click Next.

  6. The Location of Installation dialog box appears. The default location for the server files is C:\Netscape\Server4, where C: is the letter of the drive on which you are installing the server. Click Next.
  7. If you want to install iPlanet Web Server in a non-default location, use Browse to navigate to the folder you want.


    If you have iPlanet Web Server 4.0 installed already, and you want to upgrade it to iPlanet Web Server 4.1, you must install 4.1 in the directory where 4.0 is installed. Your 4.0 server is automatically upgraded to 4.1.

  8. The Components to Install dialog box appears. Select iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition from the list. Note that because the Administration Server is now an iPlanet Web Server instance, it is installed automatically when you install iPlanet Web Server, and is not a choice on this product list.
  9. Note.

    By default, the installer installs a default set of subcomponents. If you want to change the subcomponents you install, click Change and continue to Step 7.

    If you did not change subcomponents or if you've completed your subcomponent selections, continue to Step 8, unless you are upgrading from a 4.0 iPlanet Web Server.

    If you are upgrading from iPlanet Web Server 4.0, when you install subcomponents, you must install all the subcomponents you installed for 4.0, otherwise they are not upgraded properly and may not work. You can install additional subcomponents as well.

    If you are upgrading from a 4.0 iPlanet Web Server, you see a screen informing you that the installer has detected an upgrade, and that in addition to installing the components you selected, it will also upgrade any components that have been previously installed.

    Press Enter to continue with the installation. You will not have to answer any more prompts; instead the installer picks up the information from your old installation. Continue to Step 14.

  10. If you clicked Change on the previous screen, the Select Sub-Components dialog box appears. You can select a subcomponent for installation by checking the box next to it. You can decline to install it by unchecking the box. If you later decide you want to install subcomponents you did not check, you can run the installer again and choose to install only the missing subcomponents. However, you cannot uninstall separate subcomponents once they are installed.
  11. By default, all subcomponents except WAI are installed. When you complete your selections, you return to the Components to Install dialog box (Step 6).

    Server Core. Install this subcomponent to install the Administration Server and the first instance of iPlanet Web Server.


    You must install the Server Core subcomponent the first time you install iPlanet Web Server. If you install additional subcomponents later, you are not required to reinstall the Core subcomponent.

    Java Runtime Environment. If you are installing Java and servlets support, you must have a JRE or a JDK. You can install the supplied JRE subcomponent or use a JDK already installed on your system. If you want to use your own JDK, you'll need to supply the path to it later in the installation. For more information, see "Installing a Java Developer's Kit."

    Java and Servlets. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use Java and servlets.

    You need a JRE or JDK to use iPlanet Web Server's Java support. If you do not have one installed on your system, you should install the JRE provided with iPlanet Web Server (see the previous subcomponent) or install a JDK.

    Server-Side JavaScript Support. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use Server-Side JavaScript.

    Server Side JavaScript Database Support. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use server-side JavaScript database connectivity (LiveWire). If you plan to use this feature, you also need to install Server- Side JavaScript Support (see the previous subcomponent) as well. You also need to install a JRE or JDK.

    Web Publishing. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use the Web Publishing, Netshare, or search features.

    iPlanet Core WAI Support. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to run Web Application Interface programs. If you are using WAI, you must also have an ORB. You will have to provide the installation program with the path to the ORB on your system later in the installation process.

    SNMP. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use SNMP.

  12. The Web Server Administration Server Authentication dialog box appears. Type the user name for Administration Server access; the default is admin. Type the Administration Server access password; type it again for verification. Click Next.
  13. If you are using LDAP-based authentication, you must make sure that this user has access permissions to the LDAP server to perform user/group management tasks.

    If you chose Express Installation, skip to Step 14.

  14. The Web Server Administration Server Port Selection dialog box appears. Type the port number the Administration Server runs on. This can be any number from 1 to 65535. The URL for administration access is displayed. You might want to make a note of this URL. The default port is 8888.
  15. If Enterprise Server 3.6 is installed on your system, do not use the same Administration Server port number for iPlanet Web Server 4.1 as you used for Enterprise Server 3.6.

    For more information on ports, see "Choosing Unique Port Numbers."

    Click Next.

  16. The Default Web Server dialog box appears. A default instance of iPlanet Web Server is installed automatically.
  17. Type a port number for the default instance of your iPlanet Web Server. This port should be different than the Administration Server port. If you use a port other than the default port (port 80), the URL used to gain access to your home page will change. For example, if your computer is called and you choose port 9753, your server's URL will be


    Do not use port 80 if you already have another web server running on port 80.

    For more information on ports, see "Choosing Unique Port Numbers."

    Type the path for the default server's primary document directory, where your server's content files (the images, html documents and data you want to present to users accessing the server) will reside. The default is C:\Netscape\Server4\docs. Click Browse to navigate your file system.

  18. The Using LDAP for Users and Group Administration dialog box appears. If you want to use LDAP, click the checkbox and specify the LDAP URL in the format ldap://hostname:port/base DN. For example,
  19. You must also enter the bind DN (for example, cn=Directory Manager) and the directory server password.

    If you do not want to use LDAP, leave the checkbox unchecked.

    Click Next.

  20. If you are installing the Java and Servlets subcomponent (installed by default), the JDK Configuration dialog box appears. If you are using Java on your iPlanet Web Server, you must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. You can use the JRE included with iPlanet Web Server (for more information see Step 7) or you can use a custom JDK that already resides on your system.
  21. To use your own JDK, click the Use Custom Java Development Kit checkbox and enter the absolute path to the folder where you installed the JDK on your system. If you want to use a Library path or Classpath that is different than the default for your JDK, enter a different path here.

  22. If you chose to install WAI in Step 7, the ORB Selection dialog box appears. Enter the path to the directory where your Object Request Broker (ORB) is installed. The server assumes the required libraries are in a subdirectory called lib within the directory you specify. To get the Visibroker 3.3 for C++ ORB, or the Visibroker 3.4 for Java ORB, contact Inprise at
  23. The Configuration Summary dialog box appears. This dialog box contains information about the settings for your iPlanet Web Server and Administration Server. It also contains a list of the iPlanet Web Server components you selected for installation.
  24. This dialog box gives you the opportunity to review your settings before the installation is complete. If they are correct, click Install. If you want to change some of the settings, click Back and correct the information.

    The server files are installed. The Setup Complete dialog box appears.

    Before you can use your administration and web servers, you must either start them from the Control Panel's Services item, or reboot your machine to start them automatically.


    You should not cancel the installation process while the files are being copied. If you do, you will have a partial installation you need to clean up. If an uninstaller for iPlanet Web Server exists, use it to uninstall the portion of iPlanet Web Server you installed. If the uninstaller does not exist, manually delete all the files that are in the server root.

  25. Click Finish.
  26. Restart your machine or use the Services Control Panel to start the iPlanet Web Server. If you are upgrading, you need to restart your server.
  27. To configure your iPlanet Web Server, use the URL:
  28. For example: http://mozilla:8888

    Enter your administration user name and password to administer the server.

You can now configure your server. For more information, see the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide.

Installing iPlanet Web Server for Linux
The following sections describe the installation of the iPlanet Web Server.

Warning. Do not install iPlanet Web Server on an NFS-mounted drive due to potential security and file locking restrictions on remote partitions.

Logging In as the Correct User
Before you install the server, you must log in as root, unless you meet both of these conditions:

If you meet both conditions, you do not need to log in as root to install the server; instead log in as the user account that the Administration Server will use. However, you may still prefer to log in as root, even though you meet the conditions.

Warning. You must log in as root if you are planning to use express installation.

Unpacking the Files
To get the iPlanet Web Server files and unpack them, follow these steps:

Installing from a CD-ROM

  1. Put the CD-ROM in the drive.
  2. Change to the iPlanet Web Server CD in the CD-ROM directory.
  3. Change to the linux directory on the CD-ROM.
  4. Type cd entprise to change to the installation directory.
  5. Copy the entprise.tar file from the CD-ROM directory to your home directory or a temporary directory.
  6. Note.

    Untarring the file will cause the permissions of the destination directory to be modified so that applications can no longer write files to it. To avoid this problem, untar the file in a directory where you can modify the permissions. For example, instead of /tmp, use a subdirectory under /tmp, for example, /tmp/iwsinstall.

    Copying the file may take a little time.

  7. Change to the directory on your Linux machine where you copied the file.
  8. Untar the file by typing tar -xvf entprise.tar.
  9. This command unpacks the server files and creates a temporary directory structure under the current directory. Unpacking the file may take a little time. When the files are unpacked, you see a WebServer directory, and the following files: LICENSE.txt, README.txt, setup, and setup.inf.

Installing a Downloaded Server

  1. Download the file from and save it in a temporary directory.
  2. Note.

    Untarring the file will cause the permissions of the destination directory to be modified so that applications can no longer write files to it. To avoid this problem, untar the file in a directory where you can modify the permissions. For example, instead of /tmp, use a subdirectory under /tmp, for example, /tmp/iwsinstall.

  3. Change to the directory on your Linux machine where you copied the file.
  4. Unpack the .gz file by typing gunzip filename.tar.gz. The file name is in the format:


    For example:


  5. Untar the unzipped file by typing tar -xvf filename.tar.
  6. This command unpacks the server files and creates a temporary directory structure under the current directory. Unpacking the file may take a little time. When the files are unpacked, you see an Enterprise directory, and three files LICENSE.txt, README.txt, setup, and setup.inf.

Running Setup
You run the setup program to install iPlanet Web Server.

During the installation process, you have the choice of three kinds of installation: express, typical, or custom. Most users should choose typical or custom (they are identical). Typical or custom gives you more flexibility in the components you can install and the settings you can configure.

Express installation is for users who have little experience or are evaluating the product. It makes assumptions about such things as port number and which components to install.

When running the installer, you can use the following commands:

Typical or Custom Installation
Most users should install the typical or custom installation.

To run setup, follow these steps:

  1. If you are not in the directory already, change to the directory where you unpacked the file.
  2. Type ./setup to start the server installation.
  3. If you aren't logged in as the root user (superuser), or if you don't have sufficient write permissions, you'll get one or more error messages.

    A welcome screen appears.

  4. Press Enter to continue with the installation.
  5. Choose whether you accept the software license agreement by typing Yes to accept, or No to decline. If you have not yet read the license agreement, cancel out of the installation and read the file LICENSE.txt that is in the same directory as the setup program
  6. Choose Typical or Custom.
  7. Press Enter.

  8. Type a server root directory or accept the default (/usr/netscape/server4).
  9. This directory is where the server files and directory structure will be installed.

    You need to run the server as a user that has write access to this directory, for example, the directory owner.

  10. Choose iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition.
  11. Press Enter.

  12. Choose the iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition subcomponents to install.
  13. If you do not install a subcomponent and later decide you want to use it, you can run the installer again to install just the missing subcomponent. However, you cannot uninstall individual subcomponents once they are installed.

    By default, all subcomponents are installed.

    The subcomponents you can choose to install are described in the following numbered sections.

    Server Core

    Installs Administration Server and the first instance of iPlanet Web Server.


    You must install the Server Core subcomponent the first time you install iPlanet Web Server. If you install additional subcomponents later, you are not required to reinstall the Core subcomponent.

    1. Java Runtime Environment
    2. If you are planning to use Java, you must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java Developer's Kit (JDK). You can install the provided JRE, or supply your own JDK. For more information, see "Installing a Java Developer's Kit."

    3. Java Support
    4. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use Java servlets or JSPs.

      You also need a JRE or JDK to use iPlanet Web Server's Java support. Install the JRE provided with iPlanet Web Server (see the previous subcomponent) or install a JDK.

    5. SSJS Support
    6. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use Server-Side JavaScript.

    7. SSJS Database Support
    8. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use server-side JavaScript database connectivity (LiveWire). If you plan to use this feature, you also need to install the Server-Side JavaScript Support subcomponent (item 4), and either install the JRE (item 2) or supply a JDK.

    9. SNMP Support
    10. Install this subcomponent if you are planning to use SNMP.

  14. Enter the machine name or accept the default.
  15. Enter the Linux user and group names to use when running the default instance of iPlanet Web Server.
  16. The default user is the user you are installing the software as. If you're planning to use SNMP, the user name must be root.

  17. Enter the Linux user name to use when running the Administration Server.
  18. In most cases this user is root.

  19. Enter the Administration Server user name and password to use for authentication. You are asked to enter your password twice.
  20. This user is not a Linux user, but a user name and password in iPlanet Web Server. If you are using a Netscape Directory Server, you must make sure that the Administration Server user exists in the Directory Server, and that it has access permissions to the Directory Server to perform user and group management tasks.

  21. Type the Administration Server port number or accept the default of 8888.
  22. Make sure you remember the port number for the Administration Server.

    For the most flexibility, choose a port number above 1024. If you want to use a port number lower than 1024 for your Administration Server, you must be logged on as root to start the server. Do not use a port that is already in use.

    This iPlanet Web Server Administration Server is not the same as the Netscape Console, or the Administration Server shipped with other iPlanet/ Netscape servers.

    For more information on ports, see "Choosing Unique Port Numbers."

  23. Type the port number of iPlanet Web Server. The default is 80. This port should be different than the Administration Server port. Unless you are installing as root, the port must be within the stated range (1024 to 65535). If you are installing as root you can use port numbers below 1024.
  24. If you use a port other than the default port (port 80), the URL used to gain access to your home page will change. For example, if your computer is called and you choose port 9753, your server's URL will be


    Do not use port 80 if you already have another web server running on port 80.

    For more information on ports, see "Choosing Unique Port Numbers."

  25. Specify whether you are using an LDAP-based directory server (enter Yes or No).
  26. You must use an LDAP directory server if you want to use user and group functionality in iPlanet Web Server.

    If you use an LDAP directory server, enter following:

  27. Type the root directory where your server's content files (the images, html documents and data you want to present to users accessing the server) will reside. The default is server_root/docs.
  28. If you want to use your own JDK, enter Yes.
  29. If you are installing Java support, you must have a JRE or a JDK. You can install the supplied JRE subcomponent or use a JDK already installed on your system. For more information, see "Installing a Java Developer's Kit."

  30. If you are installing Java support, and you either did not choose to install the provided JRE, or you chose to use your own JDK, enter the absolute path to the directory where you installed the JDK on your system.
  31. The JDK must already exist in the specified directory.

    If the JDK libraries and CLASSPATH are stored in the default directories below the JDK directory (/jre/lib and /lib, respectively), press Enter at the JDK LIBPATH and JDK CLASSPATH prompts. If the libraries and CLASSPATH are stored in a different place on your system, enter the pathnames. On most systems you will not have to enter pathnames at these prompts.

  32. After the installation program extracts and installs the iPlanet Web Server components, press Enter.
  33. Go to the https-adminserv directory under your server root directory (for example /usr/netscape/server4) and start the Administration Server by typing ./start. You can also type ./startconsole in the server root directory.
  34. If you do not have Netscape Console installed, startconsole starts Administration Server and launches a browser to the Administration Server administration pages. If you have a Netscape Console installed, startconsole starts the console. For information about registering your iPlanet Web Server with the Netscape Console, see "Accessing iPlanet Web Server from the Console".

  35. To configure your iPlanet Web Server, use the URL:
  36. For example: http://mozilla:8888

    Enter your administration user name and password.

You can now configure your iPlanet Web Server. For more information, see the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide.

Express Installation
Express installation is for users who have little experience or are evaluating the product. It makes assumptions about such things as port number and which components to install.

The following table lists the assumptions made by the Express installation. If you would like to use different installation settings, use Typical or Custom installation.

Table 2.3 Express installation settings
Installation Setting
administration port
administration URL
http://machine name:adminisration port
HTTP port number
document root
Linux user to run server
LDAP users and groups
not using
default JRE shipped with iPlanet Web Server
All subcomponents installed

After installing, you can configure the server to use LDAP users and groups, and to use a JDK. For more information on how to make these changes, see the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide.

Warning. Do not use Express Installation if you already have another web server running on port 80.

Warning. You must log in as root to use express installation.

To run setup, follow these steps:

  1. If you are not in the directory already, change to the directory where you unpacked the file.
  2. Type ./setup to start the server installation.
  3. A welcome screen appears.

  4. Press Enter to continue with the installation.
  5. Choose whether you accepts the software license agreement by entering Yes to accept, or No to decline. If you have not yet read the license agreement, cancel out of the installation and read the file LICENSE.txt that is in the same directory as the setup program
  6. Choose Express and press Enter.
  7. Type a server root directory or accept the default (/usr/netscape/server4).
  8. This directory is where the server files and directory structure will be installed.

    You need to run the server as root, and root must have write access to this directory, for example, the directory owner.

  9. Choose iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition.
  10. Press Enter.

  11. Enter the Linux user and group names to use when running the default instance of iPlanet Web Server.
  12. For Express installation, this user must be root. The group must be the group to which root belongs.

  13. Enter the Linux user name to use when running the Administration Server.
  14. In most cases, this user is root.

  15. Enter the Administration Server user name and password to use for authentication. You are asked to enter your password twice.
  16. This user is not a Linux user, but a user name and password in iPlanet Web Server. If you are using a Netscape Directory Server, you must make sure that the Administration Server user exists in the Directory Server, and that it has access permissions to the Directory Server to perform user and group management tasks.

  17. After the installation program extracts and installs the iPlanet Web Server components, press Enter.
  18. Go to the https-adminserv directory under your server root directory (for example /usr/netscape/server4) and start Administration Server by typing ./start. You can also type ./startconsole in the server root directory.
  19. If you do not have Netscape Console installed, startconsole starts Administration Server and launches a browser to the Administration Server administration pages. If you have a Netscape Console installed, startconsole starts the console. For information about registering your iPlanet Web Server with the Netscape Console, see "Accessing iPlanet Web Server from the Console".

  20. To configure your iPlanet Web Server, use the URL:
  21. For example: http://mozilla:8888

    Enter your administration user name and password.

You can now configure your iPlanet Web Server. For more information, see the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide.

Using Uninstall for Unix and Linux
You can remove iPlanet Web Server from your computer by using the uninstall application.

Warning. Though you can select individual subcomponents to uninstall, it is not recommended. The uninstaller only removes the parts of the code pertaining to the selected subcomponent, but does not update configuration files. Your server may not run if you uninstall individual subcomponents.

To remove your iPlanet Web Server:

  1. Go to your server root and type ./uninstall.
  2. A list of iPlanet and Netscape servers currently installed in this location appears.

  3. Find iPlanet Web Server in the list and type the number next to it at the prompt.
  4. Note that uninstalling iPlanet Web Server automatically uninstalls the Administration Server, since it is an instance of iPlanet Web Server.

    A list of installed iPlanet Web Server subcomponents appears.

  5. Select all subcomponents and press Return.
  6. The subcomponents are uninstalled and you return to the command prompt.

    Note. The uninstall program does not remove every server file. For example, it does not remove keys and certificates, configuration files, logs, ACL files or the document root.

    If you upgraded from iPlanet Web Server 4.0 to iPlanet Web Server 4.1, when you uninstall 4.1 the uninstaller does not delete the files that were used in 4.0 but not in 4.1. You have to delete these files manually.

Using Uninstall for Windows NT
You can remove the iPlanet Web Server from your computer by using the uninstall application. The uninstall application determines which Netscape servers are installed on your machine and allows you to choose which of those servers you want to delete.

Warning. Though you can select individual subcomponents to uninstall, Netscape does not recommend it. The uninstaller only removes the parts of the code pertaining to the selected subcomponent, but does not update configuration files. Your server may not run if you uninstall individual subcomponents.

To remove your iPlanet Web Server:

  1. Go to your server root and double-click on the program unist.exe.
  2. The iPlanet Uninstall window appears. This window lists all the iPlanet and Netscape servers installed in this directory. Click the checkbox next to iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Editionand click Uninstall. Note that uninstalling iPlanet Web Server automatically uninstalls the Administration Server, since it is an instance of iPlanet Web Server.
  3. The uninstall program uninstalls the server. You see a window showing the progress of the uninstall.
  4. When the uninstall is complete, a message appears saying that the configuration files have not been deleted, and that you should rename them before reinstalling the server. Click OK to continue.
  5. If you have special settings in your configuration files, renaming the files is one way you can still access them after reinstalling the server. If you don't rename the files, you cannot reinstall the server.

  6. A dialog box appears informing you that you need to restart your system in order to remove the files marked for deletion. Click Yes to reboot immediately. You must reboot before reinstalling iPlanet Web Server.
During the uninstall, you may see an error "There was an internal error and one of the windows you were using has been closed. It is recommended that you save your work and close all your programs and then restart your computer." If you receive this message, continue with the uninstall. Since you restart as part of the uninstall process, you do not need to do a separate restart.

Note. The uninstall program does not remove every server file. For example, it does not remove keys and certificates, configuration files, logs, ACL files or the document root.

If you upgraded from iPlanet Web Server 4.0 to iPlanet Web Server 4.1, when you uninstall 4.1 the uninstaller does not delete the files that were used in 4.0 but not in 4.1. You have to delete these files manually.

Installing ValiCert Web Server Validator
Also included on the iPlanet Web Server CD is the ValiCert Web Server Validator plugin, which provides certificate validation, including certificate revocation list checking, through iPlanet Web Server. This product is only provided on the Windows NT and Solaris platforms.

If you want to use this product, install it after you've installed iPlanet Web Server. Product information and installation instructions are in the Readme.txt file, which you can find on the CD in the ValiCert/platform/Doc folder, for example ValiCert/Solaris/Doc.

If you downloaded iPlanet Web Server, you can obtain the plugin by following the ValiCert link on the download page.

For more information about the ValiCert Web Server Validator see the iPlanet Web Server Release Notes at

Accessing iPlanet Web Server from the Console
If you want to be able to access the iPlanet Web Server from the Netscape Console, run the installMCC script after you install iPlanet Web Server and the Netscape Console. installMCC is a perl script found in server_root/bin/https/bin.

To run the script, follow these steps:

  1. Copy installMCC from the server_root/bin/https/bin directory to your Directory Server machine at Directory_Server_Root/shared/bin.
  2. At the command prompt, run the installMCC script using the following syntax:
  3. perl installMCC -root server_root -host hostname -port web_admin_port -ldaphost hostname -ldapport ldap_port
    basedn -binddn binddn -bindpwd bind_password

    For example:

    perl installMCC -root /usr/netscape/server4 -host -port 8888 -ldaphost
    -ldapport 389 -basedn -binddn "cn=Directory Manager" -bindpwd

  4. Copy the files entserve41.jar and entserv41_en.jar from server_root/bin/https/jar to server_root/java/jars.
  5. If you are using Using or Linux, go to the server root and run
    ./startconsole. If you are using Windows NT, start the Netscape Console from the Start menu.
Once you have run this script, your iPlanet Web Server appears in the Netscape Console window. When you double-click on the icon in the Netscape Console, the Console launches a web browser window and displays the iPlanet Web Server Administration Server page.


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