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Programmer's Guide to Servlets

Appendix A
Session Managers

Session objects maintain state and user identity across multiple page requests over the normally stateless HTTP protocol. A session persists for a specified time period, across more than one connection or page request from the user. A session usually corresponds to one user, who may visit a site many times. The server can maintain a session either by using cookies or by rewriting URLs. Servlets can access the session objects to retrieve state information about the session.

This appendix has the following sections:

Session Overview

An HTTP session represents the server's view of the session. The server considers a session new under these conditions:

A session manager automatically creates new session objects whenever a new session starts. In some circumstances, clients do not join the session, for example, if the session manager uses cookies and the client does not accept cookies.

NOTE: The session ID generator, which is used for servlet sessions, employs cryptographically strong unique random number generation algorithms. This may present a performance problem on older, slow machines. The Session Manager API allows you to redefine the random ID generation method and customize it to your particular needs (see the example file described in "Source Code for SimpleSessionManager").
iPlanet Web Server 4.1 comes with three session managers for creating and managing sessions:

iPlanet Web Server 4.1 also allows you to develop your own session managers and load them into the server. The build includes the source code for SimpleSessionManager and the session object it manages, SimpleSession. The source code files for these classes are provided as a starting point for you to define your own session managers if desired. These Java files are in the directory server_root/plugins/samples/servlets/sessions/SimpleSession.

The build also includes the source code for JdbcSessionManager and the session object it manages, JdbcSession. These Java files are in the directory server_root/plugins/samples/servlets/sessions/JdbcSession.

Specifying a Session Manager

By default, if the iPlanet Web Server starts in single process mode, it uses SimpleSessionManager as the session manager for servlets. If it starts in multi-process mode, it uses MMapSessionManager. For more information about single process mode versus multi-processes mode, see Chapter 7, "Configuring Server Preferences," in the iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide. In addition, you can read about the MaxProcs parameter in the magnus.conf file in the NSAPI Programmer's Guide for iPlanet Web Server.

You can change the session manager in any of the following ways:


The SimpleSessionManager works only in single process mode. It is loaded by default if the iPlanet Web Server starts in single-process mode when a SessionManager is not specified in the or configuration file. These sessions are not persistent, that is, all sessions are lost when the server is stopped.


The SimpleSessionManager class takes the following parameters:

Enabling SimpleSessionManager

You may want to enable SimpleSessionManager to change its default parameters. You can also enable SimpleSessionManager for a particular context if the server is running in multi-process mode. To enable the iPlanet Web Server to use SimpleSessionManager, do any of the following:

Source Code for SimpleSessionManager

The SimpleSessionManager creates a SimpleSession object for each session. The source files for and are in the directory server_root/plugins/samples/servlets/sessions/SimpleSession.

The source code files for and are provided so you can use them as the starting point for defining your own session managers and session objects. These files are very well commented.

SimpleSessionManager extends NSHttpSessionManager. The class file for NSHttpSessionManager is in the JAR file NSServletLayer.jar in the directory server_root/bin/https/jar. The SimpleSessionManager implements all the methods in NSHttpSessionManager that need to be implemented, so you can use SimpleSessionManager as an example of how to extend NSHttpSessionManager. When compiling your subclass of SimpleSessionManager or NSHttpSessionManager, be sure that the JAR file NSServletLayer.jar is in your compiler's classpath.


This is a persistent memory map (mmap) file based session manager that works in both single process and multi-process mode. It can be used for sharing session information across multiple processes possibly running on different machines. It is loaded by default if the iPlanet Web Server starts in multi-process mode when a session manager is not specified in the or configuration file.


MMapSessionManager takes the following parameters:

Enabling MMapSessionManager

You may want to enable MMapSessionManager to change its default parameters. You can also enable MMapSessionManager for a particular context if the server is running in single process mode. To enable iPlanet Web Server to use MMapSessionManager, do any of the following:

This session manager can only store objects that implement


This is a persistent JDBC-based session manager that works in both single process and multi-process modes. It can be used to store sessions in a custom database, which can then be shared across multiple processes possibly running on different machines.

This sample JDBC session manager is not written, tested, or intended for production use. It is provided so that you can customize its behavior to suit your own needs.

JdbcSessionManager has been tested with a standard JDBC-ODBC driver against Microsoft SQL Server 7.0SP1. You must set up the ODBC source, database, and table for the session manager to use. It is recommended that the Session ID column be indexed for higher lookup performance.


JdbcSessionManager takes the following parameters:

Each type of operation on the database that handles session information (looking up, inserting, updating, and deleting) is performed by a corresponding dedicated connection. Each of these connections has a precompiled SQL statement for higher performance. The following parameters allow you to customize the number of dedicated connections that perform each of the operations.

Enabling JdbcSessionManager

You may want to enable JdbcSessionManager to change its default parameters. You can also enable JdbcSessionManager for a particular context if the server is running in single process mode. To enable iPlanet Web Server to use JdbcSessionManager, do any of the following:

This session manager can only store objects that implement

Source Code for JDBCSessionManager

The JdbcSessionManager creates a JdbcSession object for each session. The source files and are in the directory server_root/plugins/samples/servlets/sessions/JdbcSession.

The source code files, and, are provided so you can use them as the starting point for defining your own session managers and session objects. These files are very well commented.

JdbcSessionManager extends NSHttpSessionManager. The class file for NSHttpSessionManager is in the JAR file NSServletLayer.jar in the directory server_root/bin/https/jar. The JdbcSessionManager implements all the methods in NSHttpSessionManager that need to be implemented, so you can use JdbcSessionManager as an example of how to extend NSHttpSessionManager. When compiling your subclass of JdbcSessionManager or NSHttpSessionManager, be sure that the JAR file NSServletLayer.jar is in your compiler's classpath.

How Do Servlets Access Session Data?

To access the state information stored in a session object, your servlet can create a new session as follows:

// request is an HttpServletRequest that is passed to the servlet
SessionClass session = request.getSession(true);
The servlet can call any of the public methods in javax.servlet.http.HttpSession on the session object. These methods include (among others):

For more information about the classes HttpServletRequest and HttpSession, see Sun Microsystem's API Servlets Documentation at:

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